Taking the steps to be in charge of your own success if a great one, but it also can be challenging. As they say, with this risk, there is potential for reward. Heighten your chances of success and sustainability by doing things right. Here are some lessons every busy entrepreneur should know and practice.


If you own a business with employees or if you are considering acquiring employees because of growth, it is essential to know that your employees’ happiness can impact the success of your business.

The last thing you want to do after getting your business up and running by yourself is to see a decrease in efficiency once you have employees. You need to offer clear directives, proper incentives, and respect for their talent.

Why you may focus on getting and keeping customers,  you also want to find qualified employees who are a good fit for your organization and who will stay with you and be loyal to your company.

Investing In Yourself

One of the reasons you may become an entrepreneur is to be your own boss. In order to take full advantage of the luxuries that come with your independence, you must also experience the hardships of working long hours and having for cash flow. Even though times are tight, you need to invest in marketing.

To save money, you might be tempted to do the marketing yourself. While promoting yourself and your brand is imperative, going the cheap route can label you incorrectly in the marketplace and can hurt your business. You might, for example, use inexpensive SEO services or by extremely inexpensive content that is of poor quality. As a result, you may not get search engine ranking you hoped for, and your content may be ignored by both Google and potential customers.

If you’re just starting out and capital is an issue, crowdsourcing has become the hottest new technique for getting investors for your business.Visit  http://www.plumfund.com/ to get started raising money for your business.

Time Management

It’s been stated time and time again: “Time is money.” Take this seriously. In the business world, not every customer or business partner is worth your energy. A perfect example is in door to door direct marketing. With a whole neighborhood at your fingertips, this means the high potential for clientele, but you can waste a lot of time cold calling. Many modern business people prefer to schedule appointments with potential vendors,  which means that no one will see you if you call without an appointment.

A better approach is to spend your time setting appointments, preferably among people who have expressed an interest in your company.

For a D2D agent, time is certainly their biggest enemy, and while going for customer acquisition on foot, it’s imperative to evaluate each person for your possible result. If you run into a potential customer who is being extremely difficult to work with and ends up eating hours of your time, one has to think, “is it worth my time”.

In those hours of dealing with that customer, whether you succeeded in getting their business or not, you could have gotten two or more customers who were much more beneficial for your business and benefited from your service better as well.

It’s also imperative to equip your business with the right tools to help with efficiency, a great start to better time management. Utilizing business to business credit card processing can help make the life of a busy entrepreneur easier. Money is something that is always being exchanged and with many other concerns regarding your business, this should be something handled with ease.

Staying Positive

For a busy entrepreneur, mistakes are a given. Accept them. The important thing is to learn from them. Like with the above examples, take every step back as a step forward.

Wasting time with a client who ends up not purchasing? Look at it positively! At Least you sharpened your communication skills in the process and now you know the signs of a consumer that may waste your time. Marketing wrong or not attending to employee needs? Now you know you have to take a new approach. Along as you can adapt, you can succeed.